Sunday, December 20, 2009

Good bye' 09!

So far this past year I have done a lot of things that I never thought I would have done at this point in my life. I've almost lost my dad several times, married a wonderful man , moved 12 hours away from anything and everything I've always known, bought my first car, bought my first house, and got a job that I absolutely love. I have been blessed so much this year and I know that I owe it all to God. I don't know how else to explain this past year other than busy.... So hopefully 2009 will always be a year that I remember with a smile. I did a lot of growing up this past year, but still I feel like a kid. I can't wait to see what 2010 has in store. I know that whatever I do, and wherever I go I will always remember this past year as "growing year". You really never what life has in store for you until it happens. People grow and change, many friends come and go, only a few of them stay and grow with you. I often look back and remember what I had always thought of how my life would end up. Trust me, it wasn't where I am today. I wish I could go back and tell the little freckled face kid what life would be like for her. I wonder if I would do anything different. Probably not. What I've done in the past, what I do today has made me who I am going to be tomorrow. I truly can't wait for 2010, if its anything like this past year, its going to be a helluva ride!

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